Steve 5th June 2020

It's taken me a while to write this, as it still doesn't seem real. He was the person who greeted me into the college, and guided me through good times and bad. As I got to know him better, I found him to be one of the most genuine, funny and inspirational people I've ever met. Often, I'd be one of the last ones left in the staff room, and before he'd leave, we'd talk over the problems of the day. It was a good way to end the day, five minutes of letting go of our worries, before we went home. He was always honest, caring, and wanted a better world. His approach to managing us, made us want it too. He knew we couldn't fix everything, but at least we could try, and by doing that, he was the best of us, and made us want to be better people too. I shall always miss my friend. "The brightest light burns half as long..."